【重要公告】112-2 學期系外修習課程(除英文以外第二外語)(通識總整課程)轉成通識學分,線上申請期限自 113/03/08上午10點至 113/07/31下午5點截止,逾期不受理。


本系統開放申請期限:自 113年03月08日上午10點至 113年07月31日下午5點截止,逾期不受理。


109年8月3日 109學年度第 1 次通識教育中心會議修正通過
1. 請於本系統開放申請期限內自行上網申請,逾期不受理。
2. 同學可先e-mail該課程大綱網址以確認所屬領域。(z10604029@email.ncku.edu.tw 陳小姐)
3. 課程凡申請通過且期末成績及格即屬通識學分;惟畢業學分須依各系規定。
4. 如欲撤回本學期申請轉通識之課程,學生應於本學期系統關閉前至本系統操作即可,逾時不得辦理撤回申請。
5. 英文以外之其他外語科目得承認為人文學領域。
6. AH及A1模組課程不得承認為領域通識學分。
7. 理學院模組化課程承認為通識學分僅限非理學院學生。

112-2 Semester, Application of enrolling courses from other college/department (include foreign language course other than English)as general education credit 2024/03/08 10am~2024/07/31 5pm

The Application System will open starting 2024/03/08 10am until 2024/07/31 5pm. Application will not be accepted after deadline.

Application Notes

109.8.3 109 school year 1st center for general education meeting revised and approved
1. Please login the system and apply within the application period. No application will be accepted after the deadline has passed.
2. Students may email the course syllabus to check the course area. (z10604029@email.ncku.edu.tw Ms.Chen)
3. Once the application passed, course(s) will be count as general education credit. However, graduation credits are calculated according to students’ department guidelines.
4. Students may withdrawal the application before application deadline. No application withdrawal will be accepted after the deadline has passed.
5. Foreign Language course other than English can be transfer to general course credit in the Humanities Area. However, International students cannot take the official language of their country of origin.
6. AH and A1 (Module) course may not apply.
7. Only non College of Science students may apply to transfer Module course offered from College of Science to general education credit(s).

操作說明 :

一、選課科目申請 Application





(3)填入課綱網址(請至成功大學課程資訊及選課系統-NCKU Course Information & Enrollment System查詢),檢查資料無誤後,複製網址貼上後,再按上方[確定]按鈕


二、申請科目查詢 Query




